How Much is a Roomba? A Complete Cost Breakdown And Helpful Guide

As a Roomba enthusiast, I’ve always been curious about the varying costs of these helpful robot vacuums. Roombas are famous for their ability to efficiently clean carpets and hard floors while navigating through your home with ease.

Over the years, the technological advancements of Roombas have led to an increased range of models and prices. Newer models are more expensive, but the existing range is hitting lower prices than ever. So right now, How Much is a Roomba?

How much do Roombas cost?

A Roomba can range anywhere from $200 for an older series to as much as $1,000 for a newer model.

Over the last few years, as the owner of this website, I have been lucky enough to play with a wide number of models and spent a lot of time researching. Unsurprisingly, I can confirm that the cost of an iRobot Roomba typically depends on the features of the model, its condition, and where and when you purchase it. For instance, I found that newer units will retail for anywhere between $375 to $900 on the iRobot online store or Amazon, but if you can wait for a Black Friday or Labour Day sale, many models will be up to 50% cheaper.

So, with such a range in price, it’s essential to consider your unique needs and specific budget when deciding which Roomba model to invest in.

Some models have additional features, such as self-emptying capabilities or advanced navigation, which may explain the higher price tag. Personally, I find that it’s essential to weigh the convenience and value of these features against the overall cost before making a purchasing decision. So let’s help you with that and consider some of the critical things.

Roomba Models Overview

Roombas have evolved over the years, and their product line now consists of several models, such as the 694, i3, i4, j7+, and more. Let’s look at some key features and price ranges to help you understand their differences.

The Roomba 694 is a budget-friendly option with a three-stage cleaning system, cliff-detect stair avoidance, and Wi-Fi connectivity. With the Roomba Home app, you can control the vacuum without having to manually start the cleaning process. The price for the Roomba 694 is roughly around $275.

Moving on to the Wi-Fi-connected Roomba i4 robot vacuum, this model is available at a slightly higher price range of around $300. The i4 can learn your home and clean when and where you want, even targeting specific areas near your sofa.

The Roomba i3+ EVO robot vacuum is an upgrade to the i3 series and comes with a self-emptying feature. This model costs about $550 and is equipped with the Clean Base® Automatic Dirt Disposal, which collects dirt and messes using a three-stage cleaning system. It navigates carpets and hard floors in neat rows.

If you have a busier home where the Roomba needs to navigate around objects and messes, the Roomba j7+ might be a suitable option for you. With a price tag of $799, this Roomba is designed to handle such challenges. It comes with advanced features for a better cleaning experience.

Price Ranges of Roombas

When looking at Roomba prices, it’s helpful to know that they come in various models to fit different budgets and needs. So let me give you a quick breakdown of Roomba’s price ranges, divided into three categories: Budget, Mid-Range, and Premium Roomba Models.

Budget Roomba Models

The iRobot Roomba e5 moving from hardwood to carpet. A great choice if you are worried about How Much is a Roomba
The Roomba e5 – a solid budget option

If you’re looking for the cheapest Roomba, affordable options are available, often for under $250. Although these models may not have all the bells and whistles found in pricier versions, they still do an excellent job of simple cleaning tasks. A few examples of budget-friendly Roomba models include:

Mid-Range Roomba Models

Stepping into the mid-range category, Roombas in this price range offer a good balance between price and performance. These robotic vacuum cleaners cost around $500, providing advanced features like smart mapping and improved power suction. For most people, a mid-range Roomba model should be sufficient. Here are a couple of examples:

Premium Roomba Models

The Roomba J7+ docked in the self emptying dustbin
The Roomba J7+ is a premium Roomba model

For those who want the best of the best in robot vacuum technology, premium Roomba models offer excellent performance and all the latest features. Prices can get close to $1,000, but these high-end Roombas have capabilities like self-emptying, mopping, and enhanced AI navigation. A couple of examples of premium Roomba models include:

  • Roomba j7+ and j7+ combo with built-in robotic mopping arm
  • Roomba s9+

Comparison of Value to Other Major Brands

As a Roomba user, I’m often asked about the value it offers compared to other popular robot vacuum brands. Here’s a brief comparison between Roomba and other major brands, including Roborock, Eufy, Neato, and Ecovacs.

Roborock Range

In my experience, Roborock robot vacuums offer excellent performance at a fair and competitive price. They also have a wide range of price points, starting at a couple of hundred dollars for the E4 up to more than $1300 for the nes S8 Pr0.

I would say Roomba and Roborock are very similar in terms of quality, range and price. For example, the Roborock S7 MaxV competes closely with the iRobot Roomba J7+, offering similar features and functionality. However, I would probably just edge Roborock as my preferred brand if mopping is important to you.


Eufy robot vacuums, like the RoboVac 11S Max, are known for their budget-friendly pricing and solid performance. While they may lack some advanced features found on higher-end Roomba models, I find that Eufy provide great value for those who want a reliable and efficient robot vacuum without breaking the bank. They are also a great choice for older people or those who are a bit technophibic as they are simple and easy to run.


Neato robot vacuums, such as the Botvac D8, 9 and 10 Connected range, offer unique features like their distinctive D-shaped design, allowing them to better clean corners and edges than some Roomba models. However, they can be more expensive than some Roomba alternatives. Personally, I think it depends on which features matter most to you when considering the value of a Neato robot vacuum.


Like Roomba, Ecovacs offers a wide range of robot vacuums and excel in and mopping combinations like the Deebot N8+ and the epic OMNI X1, which very quite popular for its low maintenance. However, this model hefty price tag, so look for it on sale.

Of course, there are many other options as well such as Samsung, Dreametech, Shark, Lefant and many more, all of which are trusted brands. Comparing a Roomba vacuum to these other brands, it’s essential to really focus on the specific features, needs, and budget constraints that are most important to you. Each brand brings its distinct offerings, and it’s up to you to decide which vacuum aligns most with your priorities.

Factors Affecting Roomba Prices

In this section, I’ll discuss the factors that affect Roomba prices, which include cleaning performance, smart home integration, battery life, and charging.

Cleaning Performance

The cleaning performance of a Roomba robot vacuum greatly influences its price. High-end models, such as the Roomba s9+, have stronger suction power and an auto adjust cleaning head, allowing for more effective cleaning on various surfaces and pet hair. In addition to suction, the quality and technology of the brushes used in the robot vacuum also play a role in the price. For example, Roomba vacuums with dual rubber brushes typically cost more than those with basic bristle brushes.

Smart Home Integration

The iRobot app sending notifications and updates while the Roomab J7+ cleans a carpet
Easily integrate the Roomba J7+ into your smart home ecosystem

Smart home integration is a key aspect to consider when choosing a Roomba, as it enhances the convenience and usability of your robot vacuum. Higher-priced models generally have more advanced features and are compatible with various smart home devices and platforms. Here are some examples of smart home integrations for Roombas:

  • Amazon Alexa: Control your Roomba using voice commands through Alexa-enabled devices like the Amazon Echo.
  • Google Assistant: Similar to Alexa, you can operate your Roomba using voice commands via Google Assistant on devices like Google Home.
  • Smartphone Apps: Roomba’s dedicated app allows you to schedule and monitor cleaning sessions, access cleaning history, and receive notifications on your phone.
  • Smart Mapping Technology: Available in premium models like the i7+ and s9+, this feature enables your Roomba vacuum cleaner to learn the layout of your home for more efficient and personalized cleaning.
  • IFTTT (If This Then That): Create custom automations and integrate your Roomba with other smart home devices using the IFTTT platform.
  • Smart Home Hubs: Roomba can be integrated with smart home hubs, such as Samsung SmartThings or Apple HomeKit, allowing centralized control of your connected devices.

Battery Life and Charging

Battery life is another crucial factor in determining the price of a Roomba. Robot vacuums with longer battery life usually come with a higher price tag due to the increased capacity and quality of the their lithium ion batteries’. Most Roombas also feature automatic charging. The vacuum returns to its charging dock when its battery is low before resuming cleaning once recharged. This convenient feature contributes to a higher price in some models.

Self-Emptying Option

Another option the can significantly affect the price of a Roomba is the inclusion of a self-emptying option. This convenient feature allows the robot vacuum to automatically empty its dustbin into a larger base station, reducing the frequency of manual intervention. However, it will bump up the price.

The self-emptying dustbin feature is typically found in higher-end models, such as the Roomba j7+, offering advanced cleaning capabilities and self-emptying convenience. However, iRobot offers more affordable options with this feature, like the Roomba i3+ EVO, providing budget-conscious consumers with the benefits of a self-emptying robot vacuum.

Other Costs to Consider

A broken Roomba
Maintenance is essential if you don’t want your vacuum to end up like this

When considering the purchase of a Roomba, it’s important to consider the additional expenses that come with ownership.

Maintenance and Replacement Parts

Just like any other appliance, Roombas require regular maintenance to ensure they run efficiently. This includes cleaning the brushes, filters, and sensors. However, over time, some parts may need to be replaced.

  • Filters: I recommend replacing filters every 2-3 months. This helps keep the air clean and ensures the Roomba is running at its best.
  • Brushes: Depending on how much you use your Roomba, brushes may need to be replaced every 6-12 months.
  • Batteries: The lifespan of Roomba batteries varies, but you can expect it to last 3 years or more.

When purchasing replacement parts, I stick with genuine iRobot products to ensure compatibility and maintain the manufacturer’s warranty.

Warranties and Insurance

Although Roombas are built with durability in mind, accidents and malfunctions can still happen. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the warranty and insurance options available before making a purchase.

Roombas typically come with a limited one-year warranty that covers defects in materials and workmanship. However, it’s essential to read the fine print, as the coverage may have limitations or exclusions. As a Roomba owner, I always recommend extended warranties or protection plans if they’re available. These plans offer added peace of mind and may cover accidental damage or wear and tear.

I also recommend checking with my homeowners or renters insurance provider to see if my Roomba is covered under my existing policy. In some cases, adding coverage for the robot vacuum at a minimal cost might be possible.

Tips for Buying a Roomba

The Roomba S9 cleaning close to the wall
The Roomba S9 breaks from the normal with a D-shaped for tight corner cleaning

Sales and Discounts

One way to save on a Roomba is to keep an eye out for sales and discounts. Retailers often offer discounts on various occasions, such as during the holiday season, Black Friday, or other special events. In addition, I found it helpful to sign up for newsletters and follow the social media accounts of Roomba retailers, so I could stay informed about any ongoing or upcoming sales.

Bundled Purchases

Another tip that I found helpful is to look for bundled purchases or package deals. Sometimes, retailers offer Roombas bundled with accessories, such as spare filters or brushes, at discounted prices. This can save you money, as buying the accessories separately could be more expensive. Additionally, having those extra items can help prolong the life of your Roomba and offer a better cleaning experience.


Finally, investing in the right accessories is essential for making the most of your Roomba. Some accessories I found particularly helpful include:

  • Virtual wall barriers: If you don’t have smart mapping, these devices create a barrier that the Roomba won’t cross, making it easier to clean specific areas or prevent it from entering off-limits spaces.
  • Replacement filters: Regularly replacing them can help maintain your Roomba’s cleaning performance and prolong its lifespan.
  • Extra side brushes: Additional side brushes can come in handy when the original ones wear out, ensuring your Roomba continues cleaning efficiently.

By considering these tips, you can have a smoother and more budget-friendly experience when purchasing your Roomba.

How Much is a Roomba? – final thoughts

In my research, I found that Roomba vacuums come in a variety of models and prices. A Roomba can range from as low as $200, to over $1,000 for high-end models.

The most important thing before deciding on a Roomba is considering all factors, especially your budget, whether you have pets, the type of floor surfaces in your home, and your preference for smart home integration. Overall, Roombas offer great value for money and can make cleaning your home more convenient and hassle-free.

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