Narwal Freo vs Dreametech L10s | Robot Vacuum And Mop Comparison Guide

The Purpose of robotic vacuums are to autonomously clean your floors, saving you time and effort. But, unfortunately, the goal of automation is defeated because even some of the best robot vacuums require substantial maintenance and care.

But times are changing, and we no longer have to babysit these gadgets all the time. With newer entrants having more automated maintenance features like washing and drying mop pads, refilling their water tanks, etc.

These robots have a lot of potential, so we did a Narwal Freo vs Dreametech L10s comparison to see if they live up to their promises and which is better.

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At a glance

Narwal Freo
Dreametech L10s Ultra
NARWAL Freo Robot Vacuum and Mop Comb, Washing & Drying, Dirt Sense Ultra Clean, Auto Add Cleaner,...
dreame L10s Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo, Auto Mop Cleaning and Drying, Self-Refilling and...
Surface Recommendation
Vinyl, Tile, Laminate, Hardwood Floors, Marble
Hard Floor, Tile, Marble, Stone, Carpet, Wood
Controller Type
App Control
App Control, Voice Assistsant, Remote Video Control
Special Features
Intelligent Mop Lifting, Auto Mop Washing, Dirt Detection Sensor, Edge Cleaning, Scheduling
Automatic Dust Collection, Water-Refilling, Solution-Adding, 5300Pa Suction, Dual Rotary Mops, Suction Boost, And A Robust Rubber Brush.
Fully Automated
Auto Dust Emptying
Vacuum and Mop
Auto Mop Washing & Drying
Automatic Carpet Detection
LCD Display Station
RGB Camera and 3D Structured Light
Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime
Narwal Freo
NARWAL Freo Robot Vacuum and Mop Comb, Washing & Drying, Dirt Sense Ultra Clean, Auto Add Cleaner,...
Surface Recommendation
Vinyl, Tile, Laminate, Hardwood Floors, Marble
Controller Type
App Control
Special Features
Intelligent Mop Lifting, Auto Mop Washing, Dirt Detection Sensor, Edge Cleaning, Scheduling
Fully Automated
Auto Dust Emptying
Vacuum and Mop
Auto Mop Washing & Drying
Automatic Carpet Detection
LCD Display Station
RGB Camera and 3D Structured Light
Amazon Prime
Dreametech L10s Ultra
dreame L10s Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo, Auto Mop Cleaning and Drying, Self-Refilling and...
Surface Recommendation
Hard Floor, Tile, Marble, Stone, Carpet, Wood
Controller Type
App Control, Voice Assistsant, Remote Video Control
Special Features
Automatic Dust Collection, Water-Refilling, Solution-Adding, 5300Pa Suction, Dual Rotary Mops, Suction Boost, And A Robust Rubber Brush.
Fully Automated
Auto Dust Emptying
Vacuum and Mop
Auto Mop Washing & Drying
Automatic Carpet Detection
LCD Display Station
RGB Camera and 3D Structured Light
Amazon Prime

Last update on 2024-05-01 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The quick answer

The Narwal Freo and Dreamebot L10s are two hybrid robots that are built to do the same thing with similar design features. At first glance, these two devices look very much alike, and the major difference is how they perform.

I would go ahead and say that the Dreamebot is actually the better robot because it trumps the Freo in many ways, starting with navigation, vacuuming power and battery life. The L10s has better navigation and identifies obstacles better, probably because it uses both AI and camera. It also has a much higher suction power, compared to the Freo, and picks up debris better. 

There are a few things that the Freo does better than the Dreamebot. First, the Freo is better at edge sweeping, and the Freo self-cleaning station doesn’t get messy after washing the mop pads. But the Dreamebot base station gets messy after washing the mop pads, I think that’s a design flaw that will probably be corrected in a later version of the robot. 

Product overviews

Narwal Freo

NARWAL Freo Robot Vacuum and Mop Comb, Washing & Drying, Dirt Sense Ultra Clean, Auto Add Cleaner,...

Narwal Freo is a very attractive robot mop vac that cleans floors with rubber brushes and rotating mopping pads. The Freo is the next evolution and it’s impressive. This robot is powered by a 5,200 mAh rechargeable Li-ion battery that delivers up to 3 hours of cleaning on both hardwood floors and low-pile carpets.

The Freo effectively sweeps up pet hairs and dirt particles using a tangle-free rubber brush, two edge-sweeping brushes and a 3000 Pa for better vacuuming power. It also features the LiDAR technology for obstacle avoidance and better navigation while cleaning. 

Freo requires very minimal post-cleaning maintenance, besides the self-empty, and auto-recharge features, it can also auto-empty and refill the water tank, and clean the mop pads after mopping. 

  • Good cleaning performance
  • Impressive docking station
  • Great suction force
  • Excellent battery life
  • Poor navigation
  • Poor edge sweeping
  • Poor mopping function
Narwal Freo Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo
Narwal Freo Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo, Robot Mop and Vacuum with Auto Mop Washing & Drying, Dirt Sense Ultra Clean, Auto Add Cleaner, LCD Display, Smart Swing, Arcuate-Route, Wifi, APP Control, White, Intelligent Mop Lifting, Dirt Detection Sensor, Edge Cleaning, Scheduling.

Last update on 2024-05-01 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Dreamebot L10s

dreame L10s Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo, Auto Mop Cleaning and Drying, Self-Refilling and...

The Dreametech L10s Ultra is an impressive robot vacuum/mop combo and one of the most technologically advanced robot vacuums available on the market. It uses two rotating mop heads, with remarkable suction power, intelligent and obstacle detection to clean and mop your floors.

Dreamebot L10s uses a tangle-free rubber cleaning brush, one edge-sweeping brush, and a 5300 Pa for enhanced vacuuming strength to efficiently remove pet hair and dirt particles. It uses AI action, 3D structured light and an RGB camera for improved navigation and obstacle avoidance during cleaning.

It also has a long-lasting battery with up to 210 minutes of cleaning time, and a base station that recharges the battery, empties the dust bin, refills the water tanks, and cleans the mop pads with hot air.

  • Cleans and mops efficiently
  • Has excellent navigation
  • Great battery life and suction
  • Integration with Google Home and Alexa
  • Poor edge sweeping
  • Base station can get messy
  • No accessories included in the box
Dreametech L10s Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo
Dreametech L10s Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo, Auto Mop Cleaning and Drying, Self-refilling and Self-Emptying Base for 60 Days of Cleaning, 5300Pa Suction and AI Navigation, Compatible with Alexa, 2.5L Water Tank, Exclusive DualBoost 2.0 System.

Last update on 2024-05-01 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Side by side comparison

Robot design

The Narwal Freo and Dreamebot L10s are well-built robot vacuums and feel pretty solid. They both have the same basic circular shape as most robot vacuums, with a shiny white finish. The Freo is slightly bigger at 4.1 inches tall and 13.7 inches in diameter, while the Dreamebot is 3 inches tall and 13 inches in diameter. The L10s has a better chance of getting under furniture, but neither of them will get under low furniture. 

Cleaning performance

Simply told, the Dreamebot L10s and the Narwal Freo are both excellent vacuums that truly shine on hard surfaces. But considering that most robot vacuums work better on hard surfaces, this shouldn’t really come as a surprise.

Narwal Freo cleans everything thoroughly, including areas under tables and in plain view. With the aid of dirt sensing technology, it can determine how dirty your floor is and keep cleaning it until it is satisfied that the area is clean.

The Freo is an interesting robot and does a good cleaning job, but the Dreamebot L10s proves to be better at picking up debris both from tile floors, wood floors and carpets.

The L10s Ultra performs almost flawlessly on hardwood and low or high pile carpet, it leaves hardly any debris behind. The L10s performs better than the Freo on carpeted floors.

These two robots have carpet detection sensors, they are able to automatically detect carpets when cleaning. When vacuuming, they identify carpets and increase suction power. And during the automatic mop cleaning, they lift their mop pads to avoid tracking water on carpets.

Comparison scene of narwal freo and other mop robots mopping the tiles floor

Mopping function

These two robots perform similarly well at mopping as they do at cleaning. For enhanced cleaning effectiveness, both the L10s and Freo have two spinning mop pads that rotate in different directions at 180 rpm to dislodge dirt and reduce stubborn stains.

With this feature, these robots won’t just drag wet pads along the floor, they actually do some scrubbing to thoroughly clean dirty floors. And they don’t clean with just water, both robots come with a cleaning solution that is added to the water before mopping.

The L10s mops really well, but there’s a catch to it. The mop pads don’t reach the edge of the floors, so you’ll have to manually mop edges and corners. But the Freo has a feature called “Smart Swing”, which allows the robot to swing around the floors, brushing the edges with the rear mop pads.

Automated maintenance

This is where these robots really shine. The base stations of the L10s and Freo do more than empty the dustbin and recharge the robot, they also do some automated maintenance.

The designs of the two base stations are somewhat similar, they both come with 2 water reservoirs (one for storing clean water and the other for storing dirty water) and a mechanism for washing and drying the mop pads. 

After every cleaning session, these robots return to their base station to

  • Emptying the dustbin
  • Recharge their batteries
  • Wash and dry the mop pads

This greatly cuts down the amount of time you will spend on taking care of your robot. But you will still have to remove and replace the dust bag in the base station, fill and empty the tanks in the base station, which is not very often. 

App control

As you would expect, both the Freo and L10s have mobile apps for controlling and customizing your cleaning settings. Controlling and personalizing your cleaning experience is simple with the DreameHome app. You can clean a single room rather than a complete floor plan simply selecting a room on your map before beginning a job. 

Connecting to the Narwal app is also pretty straightforward, and once connected, you can access a lot of features for customizing the setting of the robot. Both DreameHome and Narwal apps can let you choose between the cleaning modes, create virtual walls to set no-go zones, specify rooms to clean, set cleaning schedules, etc.

The Narwal robots can only save one map on the app, but the Dreamebot can save multiple maps, which is great for multi story homes. 

Hands holding a smartphone and dreametech l10s ultra robot vacuum cleaning the room

Key differences

Navigation/obstacle avoidance

Robot vacuum cleaners need to be able to maneuver around regular items in the home. To a significant extent, how effectively a robotic vacuum cleaner cleans the floors depends on how well it maneuvers.

The Freo navigation system is powered by LiDAR technology, while the Dreamebot L10s uses AI action, 3D structured light and an RGB camera to get around the home. These robot vacuums can recognize furniture and steer clear of it.

They can also clean the floors with ease while dodging most objects in their way.  However, the RGB camera and 3D structured light of the Dreamebot makes for better detection of obstacles, and this actually makes a lot of difference. The Freo navigation is less sophisticated and falls short of the L10s.

Suction power

The 3000 Pa suction rating of the Narwal Freo is high for a robot vacuum. The Dreamebot, however, has a 5300 Pa suction rating, which is undoubtedly more impressive. It’s no wonder the L10s is better at vacuuming, it’s clearly superior in this category since higher suction means more dirt pick-up and better cleaning power, especially on carpets. If you have carpeted floors in your home or have pets that shed a lot, the L10s is better for you.

Dreametech l10s robot vacuum and mop work with 5300pa suction power

Multi-floor mapping

Dreambot L10s can save multiple maps on the app, which is a feature that’s very important if you have a multi story home. The Freo, on the other hand, can only save one map, so it’s obviously not a robot vacuum for a multistory home.

Brush rolls

This is yet another difference in these robot vacuums. They both have a tangle-free rubber center brush as the primary sweeping brush, but the L10s has a single side brush for sweeping edges and corners, while the Freo comes with 2 side brushes, which actually contributes to better edge sweeping. 

Battery life

Narwal Freo has a maximum battery life of 180 minutes for the lowest suction setting, while the Dreamebot has a longer battery life of 210 minutes for the lowest suction setting in vacuum-only mode. These robots both have impressive long-lasting batteries, and they never run out of battery juice because of the recharge and resume feature.

On-device controls

Both of these robot vacuums have few buttons on them. The Narwal Freo has a ring button to power the robot On/Off. While the Dreamebot has 3 touch buttons on the device; Power/Clean button, Spot Clean button, and Dock button. 

The L10s also have 3 buttons on the clean base. These buttons will get the robot to leave the base station, clean and dry. Similarly, the Freo has some control on the base station, but instead of buttons, it has a touchscreen with LCD screen button that gives you full control of the robot. It gives you access to a fair amount of functions, including selecting cleaning modes, starting a cleaning cycle, setting the child lock, etc. 

Voice control

Narwal Freo doesn’t have any form of voice control, while the Dreamebot L10s is fully compatible with both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. 

Vacuuming noise

Freo is a very quiet robot, it has a noise rating of about 43 to 64 dB, while the Dreamebot is a bit louder with a noise rating of 43.2 to 72 dB. Robot vacuums tend to be loudest when self-emptying the bin at the base station. 

Two narwal freo robot vacuum on wood floor vacuuming together


What is the warranty on the Narwal Freo and Dreamebot L10s?

Both robot vacuums with a 1-year warranty from their manufacturers.

How do you know when the bag is full? Does the app alert you?

Yes, the Narwal app and Mi Home app will notify you when the dust bag is full, the clean water tank needs a refill and the dirty water tank needs to be emptied.

Do they work with Google Home?

The Dreamebot L10s is compatible with Alexa and Google Home, but the Narwal Freo is not.

Do they have multi-floor mapping?

Dreamebot L10s has multi-floor mapping and can save multiple maps on the app, but the Narwal Freo does not support this feature. The Freo can save only one map.

Do they work on black carpet/rugs?

Most robot vacuums treat black carpets/rugs as cliff drops, and avoid them. The same happens with these robots, they will back away from black carpets because cliff sensors will assume there’s a drop.

How do you tell the robot vacuums not to clean in a specific place?

If you do not want the robot to vacuum/mop a specific area, you will need to create a no-go zone on the app. You can create a no-go zone for both mopping and vacuuming.

Final thoughts

Narwal Freo and Dreamebot L10s have very similar design features, in fact this comparison was a close match. But the Dreamebot came out stronger because it just has better features and performance. The L10s has a more advanced navigation, better vacuuming power, better battery life, and most importantly, better cleaning performance. 

Another reason why the Dreamebot L10s gives you the best bang for your bucks is that it’s also cheaper than the Narwal Freo.

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