Neato D10 VS Roomba S9 | Comparison | Battle of the Flagships

People hate vacuuming. It’s a tedious and oftentimes, thankless task. But what if there was a way to take all the work out of it? This is when robotic vacuum cleaners come into play

 Neato and Roomba are two of the most popular & excellent options for someone looking to automate their house cleaning. But which one is better?

Let’s find out in this Neato D10 vs Roomba S9 Series comparison guide!

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At a glance

iRobot Roomba s9+
Neato D10
iRobot Roomba s9+ Self Emptying Robot Vacuum - Empties Itself for 60 Days, Detects & Cleans Around...
Neato D10 Intelligent Robot Vacuum Cleaner–LaserSmart Nav, Smart Mapping, Cleaning Zones, WiFi...
Neato Robotics
Brushed Silver
LaserSmart LIDAR
Surface Recommendation
Carpet, Hardwood, Tile
Dual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes
Helix Multi-Surface Brush
Controller Type
Vera, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa
Hand Control, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, IOS, Android
Battery Cell
Lithium Ion
Lithium Ion
Powerful Suction
Smart Mapping
Recharge and Resume
No-Go Zones
Automatic Dirt Disposal
More Information
Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime
iRobot Roomba s9+
iRobot Roomba s9+ Self Emptying Robot Vacuum - Empties Itself for 60 Days, Detects & Cleans Around...
Surface Recommendation
Dual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes
Controller Type
Vera, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa
Battery Cell
Lithium Ion
Powerful Suction
Smart Mapping
Recharge and Resume
No-Go Zones
Automatic Dirt Disposal
More Information
Amazon Prime
Neato D10
Neato D10 Intelligent Robot Vacuum Cleaner–LaserSmart Nav, Smart Mapping, Cleaning Zones, WiFi...
Neato Robotics
Brushed Silver
LaserSmart LIDAR
Surface Recommendation
Carpet, Hardwood, Tile
Helix Multi-Surface Brush
Controller Type
Hand Control, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, IOS, Android
Battery Cell
Lithium Ion
Powerful Suction
Smart Mapping
Recharge and Resume
No-Go Zones
Automatic Dirt Disposal
More Information
Amazon Prime

Last update on 2024-05-02 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The quick answer

Both Neato D10 and Roomba S9 are high-end products that deliver outstanding cleaning performance. But still, in our opinion, Roomba has an edge over Neato in terms of technology used and the deep cleaning it provides.

One decisive advantage is the dearth of positive reviews in Neato D10 compared to the Roomba S9+. Also on various parameters, Roomba has performed better than Neato.

So if you are looking for a high-end robotic vacuum cleaner with solid robot vacuum performance, we would suggest going for the Roomba S9.

The Neato D10 is the better option for large homes while the Roomba S9+ is the better option for smaller homes. Both are great robotic vacuum cleaners but have different features that make them more suitable for certain types of homes. Make sure to consider your needs before making a purchase.

Product Overviews

Neato D10 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Neato D10 Intelligent Robot Vacuum Cleaner–LaserSmart Nav, Smart Mapping, Cleaning Zones, WiFi...

Neato D10 is one of the best robot vacuums in the Neato series currently. Neato has been in the market for a while and they have made significant progress in improving their products. Neato is one of the best robotic vacuum cleaners that you can find on the market today!

It is quieter than its predecessor, which makes this a perfect choice if you don’t want to disturb your family or neighbors when vacuuming.

Finally, Neato robots use lasers instead of cameras to map out rooms like other brands. They do not get confused by dark floors or furniture as easily because Neatos’ vacuum lasers are able to see through such things! It works exceptionally well on all types of floor surfaces and carpets.

The Neato D-series robot vacuum cleaners are Wi-Fi enabled and can be controlled with a smartphone app.

This is a great feature if you’re not home and need to start or stop your vacuum cleaner. You can also set no-go lines on Neato robots, for this you need to draw straight lines on the map.

Neato’s D10 robot vacuum cleaner is designed to clean smarter and faster. With its impressive coverage area, the D10 can quickly clean your floors, while its hassle-free setup makes it easy to get started. Plus, the deep clean that the D10 provides will leave your floors looking and feeling great.

There’s Quick Boost for when you need a little extra oomph to finish a long cleaning session. Your robot may figure out how much energy it’ll require to complete the task, charge up, and then return to cleaning where it left off.

And for an even deeper clean, Neato’s new Helix Multi-Surface Brush is perfect for picking up hair and other stubborn dirt and debris.

Finally, the True HEPA filter (99.7%) ensures that all of the dust and dirt picked up by the vacuum is captured and contained, so you don’t have to worry about it ending up back in the air.

  • This robot vacuum cleaner has a run time of 300 minutes and can clean up to 2,700 square feet on one charge.
  • Determine which rooms and other surfaces should be cleaned more frequently with its Zone cleaning feature.
  • The Noise Control System uses an innovative 140° design that reduces brush noise by up to 50% on hard surfaces.
  • Hassle-free, Bluetooth-enabled setup lets you get started with your Neato robot vacuum instantly. No need for pesky cords!
  • The Neato D series robot vacuum cleaner is designed to deep clean your floors. Picks up dirt 60% better than previous neato models.
  • Does have problems in navigating & handling multiple floors & an average carpet cleaning performance.
  • More modifications are required in the No-Go zones feature.
  • My Neato App needs to be updated heavily to match the standards of their previous apps.
  • Some minor docking issues are present.
Neato D10 Intelligent Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Neato D10 Intelligent Robot Vacuum Cleaner–LaserSmart Nav, Smart Mapping, Cleaning Zones, WiFi Connected, 300-min runtime, Powerful Suction, Carpet, Hardwood, Tile, Max Clean, Edges, Corners & Pet Hair, XXL Dustbin, Hand Control, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, IOS, Android.

Last update on 2024-05-02 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Roomba s9+

iRobot Roomba s9+ Self Emptying Robot Vacuum - Empties Itself for 60 Days, Detects & Cleans Around...

Roomba has been around for years and continues to improve its products each year. They have some of the most popular models and the Roomba S9+ is certainly one of their best.

The robot vacuum includes advanced cleaning technology like vSLAM Navigation so it can navigate around obstacles and under furniture without getting stuck – even when there’s clutter lying about (which happens often during holidays).

The S9+ also has a three-stage cleaning system that first, lifts and loosens any debris or pet hair that may be deep within your carpets; then it removes the loosened particles sucking them up with the 40x suction power. On top of that, it has Power Boost Technology, it automatically boosts suction to clean deeper when necessary.

The s9+ is the first Roomba model to feature the D-Shape (usually associated with Neato) and includes an enhanced corner brush that cleans those hard-to-reach places around furniture legs and baseboards, as well as a Dual Mode Virtual Wall Barrier to create keep-out zones for your robot.

Finally, there is an option to have a self-emptying docking station.

  • Advanced cleaning technology like vSLAM Navigation allows it to navigate around obstacles effectively.
  • 40x powerful suction power that picks up all the dirt, dust, and debris lying on the floor.
  • Its dedicated irobot app makes command making easier.
  • The added width of the Dual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes prevents tangles with pet hair.
  • Uses 3D sensor mapping to remember your room’s layout and customize future cleanings.
  • A bit pricier than other robotic vacuum cleaners on the market.
  • Performance over rugs is not up to the mark.
  • They may get trapped on difficult surfaces.
  • The attachment of brushes can be more firm.
iRobot Roomba s9+ Robot Vacuum
iRobot Roomba s9+ (9550) Robot Vacuum with Automatic Dirt Disposal- Empties itself, Wi-Fi Connected, Smart Mapping, Powerful Suction, Vera, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Deepest Clean with 40x The Suction Power, Corners & Edges, Ideal for Pet Hair, Black.

Last update on 2024-05-02 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Side by side comparison

Mapping Technology

While the Neato uses LIDAR technology to map and remember your room’s layout, the Roomba uses vSLAM technology to do the same mapping. Both are quite effective in mapping and remembering your room’s layout although I tend to prefer LiDAR. You may enjoy our article comparing LiDAR and vSLAM if you want to focus on the differences. The iRobot Roomba S9 has a lower battery life than 1,5 hours with the Neato Robotics D10 in comparison.

This also keeps your robot vacuum cleaner within certain boundaries so it doesn’t venture into other rooms or areas you don’t want it to go.


Voice Control

Both are compatible with Amazon Alexa & Google Assistant. This allows them to be controlled with just a voice command.

WiFi Enabled

Both are WiFi enabled which allows users to control their vacuums from anywhere in the house.

Automatic Recharge

They both have a recharge & resume feature which means they will return to the docking station to recharge and then continue where they left off. This makes it very convenient for users as they don’t have to worry about their robot vacuum cleaners stopping in the middle of a cleaning cycle.

Key Differences

The vast difference in runtime

The Neato D10 has a runtime of 300 minutes while the iRobot Roomba S9+ only has a runtime of approximately 120 minutes. This makes the Neato D10 the better option for large homes.

Size Difference & Weight

The Neato D10 is a much larger robot vacuum cleaner. While it may be able to cover more area, it’s also harder to store and carry around which makes the iRobot Roomba S9+ better in this regard.

Automatic Dirt Disposal

S9+ has an automatic dirt disposal system. This helps in maintaining a clean environment in your home by disposing of the dirt automatically. The D10 on the other hand doesn’t have this feature, which means you’ll have to manually dispose of the dirt collected by it.


the Neato D10 is cheaper than the iRobot Roomba S9+, but that said, they both carry premium price tags. If you are looking for a more affordable option, then these probably aren’t the vacuums for you. Maybe look towards a Roborock S6 model.

Different Navigation styles

The Neato D10 has a laser navigation system while the iRobot Roomba S9+ has a camera-based navigation system. This means that the D10 can work much better in a dark environment as it doesn’t rely on any lighting.

iRobot Roomba s9+ detect object with vSLAM navigation technology


Which suction vacuum motor has the larger collection container?

The Neato D10 has a larger collection container with 0.7 liters while the iRobot Roomba only has 0.55 liters of storage capacity. This gives the Neato an edge over the Roomba when it comes to collection capacity. Larger dust containers mean less frequent trips to the trash can.

Which robot vacuums have better maneuverability?

The S9+ is much more maneuverable with its camera-based navigation system. It can easily get in and out of tight corners which the Neato D10 cannot do as easily.

Which one is better for dust allergy?

The Neato D10 is better for dust allergies as it has a high-efficiency filter that traps more dust mites and allergens. The S9+ in comparison doesn’t have a filter that can match Neato. So the Neato would be a better option for those who suffer from allergies.

Which one is easier to clean?

Both are easy to clean as they come with a self-cleaning brush roll. This means that the bristles on the brush roll will automatically retract and clean themselves so there’s no need to remove any hair or debris manually.

Which has better mapping technology?

The Roomba S9+ has better mapping technology as its iAdapt mapping system uses Islam technology to map your room’s layout. The Neato D10 in comparison only has the basic iAdapt mapping system which does not use this advanced technology for mapping.

Which is better for pet hair?

The Roomba S9+ is better for pet hair as it can automatically empty itself into its dirt container. The Neato D10 in comparison does not have this feature so you will need to empty the dirt yourself manually from time to time if there is too much pet hair being picked up by your robot cleaner.

When was Neato D10 released?

The Neato D10 was released in October 2021.

When was the Roomba S9 released?

The Roomba S9+ was released in June 2019.

Final Thoughts

Both are excellent robot vacuums with their own unique advanced features. Depending on your needs, one may be better than the other. But overall, they are both great choices for those looking for a robotic vacuum cleaner.

The Neato D10 is priced lower than the Roomba S9+, making it a more affordable option. The Neato D10 is a great option for those looking for an affordable robot vacuum.

While it doesn’t have as many features as the Roomba S9+, it still has WiFi-enabled capabilities and automatic dirt disposal which makes cleaning much more convenient.

The Neato also has a longer runtime of 300 minutes, making it a better option for larger homes. But on all major fronts like dirt detect features, it is the Roomba that is the better option.

About the author

Emma Marie is a valued writer at the Little Robot Shop. She studied robotics and deeply understands technology, which shows in her writing.  She consistently produces high-quality content, making her a perfect fit for the Little Robot Shop team.

While not writing, Emma works in a popular electronics retail chain. Emma also enjoys running and has two dogs with whom she loves spending time.

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